Monday, September 21, 2009


wow, the last time I wrote here was nearly a year ago. I've been using another blog site. I can't help but to feel that I should continue to use this one as well. Currently i'm working on shooting more often and more consistently... we'll see how that goes.

in the meantime, this is one of my latest shots. - flickr has a better quality version of the photo which is located here

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

accidental brilliance...

yeeah, kinda... the title says much of what I've been thinking...

I feel confident most times in regard to my work, however i do get somewhat perturbed with not being consistent.. I also find my creativity to be lapsing... consider me frustrated.

here's some work I've done lately...

Friday, June 6, 2008


i know i'm good at it... or at least decent.. you know, blah.. i don't want to sound conceited but i really think i'm pretty good... well now at least... before i wasn't so sure... i considered my work to be mediocre at best... at least compared to some of the "greats" but now i'm actually realizing i'm a lot better than i thought i was and i'm pretty sure i just found the confidence in myself to get better and maybe get on the level of some of the photogs out there that i idolize... i'm still mediocre when i compare my stuff to those particular people's and i'm sure actually absolutely positive that there are people out there that are way better that aren't famous... buuuut i'm ok with that now.. because i know i have the ability to be that great... i just have to push myself and try... wow i just had a really cool epiphany.. haha cool.. it feels good to be actually happy and not depressed... it feels good to write it down... now i can add photography to the list of "things that spark my confidence" writing will always be first though... ha.. oh and my first skill i'm workin' on is to learn to give out the photos i snap as quick as i can... haha

The Tristan Betrayal


Katy & Marly

Hot springs

i'm still learning, but i've got a few tricks of my sleeve..and i'd really appreciate any critique anyone might have...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


alright... so i've finally jumped into skateboard photography and figured out tricks of the trade...

it wasn't as hard as i initially thought... it's actually VERY easy...

timing, lighting, siiiicknes = success...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Project Practice

So I'm in the process of finding my signature style. I've yet to do so... however I have been getting into new processing techniques i've become quite fond of.

I'm starting a tape frenzy project. it's been a lot of fun so far, really easy actually. the photos to the right were taken in the bathroom of my friend's apartment with the lights over the mirror as my light source. i'm very happy with how these turned out.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Getting Better but...

So I'm definitely getting better at my craft, but there are a few things I need to work on.
the photos below serve as prime examples of what I mean.

Composition is key...
so is how a photo is processed after it's taken.



Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So I'm planning a photoshoot with 2 of my best friends... and I really want to transfer the idea I have in my head to the photographs I take of them. It should go well. I'm hoping it does. until then, check this out...
spur of the moment photo of Reid... I definitely like this one.... natural lighting, candid and a level tweak in ps... good product